Initiating Goal Momentum
Overcoming Procrastination: Why It’s So Hard To “Keep It Up”
Where in the world do I start? Do you have a million ideas, but seem to either stay in the same place, or worse, get worse. Why is this? It’s about setting a clear focus and sticking to it. Let’s take this blog, for example. I’ve procrastinated writing posts despite having a clear direction I want to go. I’ve said it’s because I don’t have a proper template or the site isn’t set up properly, but the truth is that I was afraid in some sense. Hell, I still am, but I am doing what I like to do and not thinking about the other stuff for a while. I like writing about self-improvement, whether it be my journey or what I believe will help someone else on theirs. I have sat down in my chair at my desk and here I am writing. Let’s be clear, for about 45 minutes I sat looking at themes for the site, but realized what I was doing after a while, and I got back to this piece.
If you were to look at this site at the moment I am writing this, you wouldn’t see much of anything at all. It’ll be like that for a bit because that’s not the main concern right now. My concern is to get things that are worth posting, that will help both myself and site visitors. I do, however, want to take this time to lay a foundation for what I initially want for this site.
First, I want this site to be a community. I haven’t always surrounded myself with people who were moving in the direction I wanted to go. In a way, I think I subconsciously wanted to hold myself back and surrounded myself with as many bad influences as I could so I wouldn’t have to take action. I want this site to be filled with people who know it is best to surround their self with other people who are walking their path. We don’t all need to be moving in the same direction, but we are willing to take the steps to move us forward.
This site will employ both long form posts that really dive into its subject and short form posts that act as snippets for ideas or full ideas that do not need a longer post. Additionally, there will be links to interesting and helpful media whether it be written materials, audio, video, really anything that makes sense for the site.
I want ideas to
- A place where the community can seek advice from other members about how they should tackle any issues they come against and want help with.
- Have a sense of humor about things
- Long-format posts will have a table of contents and headings to easier navigate the site.
- There will be a place where the community can post their achievemnets.